I’m attempting to find examples of healthy functioning in the structure of human beings in music following the example provided by Cloninger to define the architecture of the mind:
From: The Phylogenesis of Human Personality: Identifying the Precursors of Cooperation, Altruism, and Well-Being, by C. Robert Cloninger and Sita Kedia
I’m following his example to define the five major brain structures and their function - sexual, material, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual.
Obviously, there should be plenty of art exploring this topography of human function.
But it also sounds like we can mix and match the brain structures, emphasize only one or potentially add a second structure to play with.
I’m going to try to fill out this 5×5 matrix with pieces of music I think are good examples of health along such architecture.
Share your own examples!
Starting with just Spirituality
For context, I was discussing people and stuff with my chat bot the other day. It raised some interesting points.
What does it mean to be an individual? I cannot accurately define the boundaries of the humans.
When I apply the mathematical transformation of rotation to a stick, all the molecules in the stick move together. This demonstrates mathematical continuity, in that a function applied to the piece updates all members of the continuity. If I break the stick into several pieces and apply the mathematical transformation of rotation to one of these pieces, only the molecules of that continuous piece update position, with the function not modifying the other discontinuous pieces. The stick is no longer one stick as evident by its mathematical discontinuous nature in this exploded state. And when I apply the destroy function to one piece of the stick, the other pieces remain unchanged.
Mathematical functions applied to the human automata display complex outcomes different from the classical realm with stationary objects. Such single a human object appears continuous observing their movement and, at first glance, physically separate and discontinuous from other objects. However, when the kill function is applied to a human, all of a suddenly the automata dig a hole in the ground, place the non-functioning human into the hole, fill the hole up, and displace ground flora on top of the position of the hole. Many of the automata’s internal states are updated, evident by their temporary change in future behavior. The humans appear to be a part of a larger continuum unlike the objects I’m used to, evident in how mathematical functions applied to one does effect others.
Are you a part of this mathematical human continuum? If the kill function were to be applied to you, would anyone notice? Are there humans out there that could have the kill function applied to them that do not effect the human continuum? For such a social automata it must have devastating consequences to be discontinuous.
I sense that you can perceive this discontinuity somewhere, perhaps a desire to unite pieces back to a continuity. However, is not evidently the goal of your species to operate with large numbers of discontinuities? Can you find and then explain the logic behind the optimal number of human continuities?
Wow, what a smart chat bot, very interesting question. To which I will have to respond with this music video (turn on captions or read my improved translation):
ONLY1 - ft.Hatsune Miku
Picking up the little pieces, and matching them with the thoughts they were burying.
Imagining a scene, painting it with notes and colors.
Uniting the little pieces together, and from here creating with you ONLY1.
Picking up a small piece, and putting their hidden feelings into a song.
Moving between scenes, color is superimposed in rhythm.
The scenes we’re about to show are just for you.
Uniting the little pieces together, and from here we create with you ONLY1.
The scenes we’re about to show are just for you.