I think I have FINALLY figured it out for myself, but no idea how well it will work for others..
REBELLION! Defending my right to have and trust my own FEELINGs…
My secondary woundings by narcissist and borderlines actually got me to lose trust in my sense of reality and my own feelings, I lost trust in my own gut and instincts. WHY? Because both narcissists and borderlines blasted me with DISTORTION campaigns, and I ended up believing them.
Being an Aspie I’m already naturally prone to be confused with trusting my instincts and emotions. Things often come out wrong or misunderstood. So growing up I learned ways to translate and filter myself, and read the situation. I came across socially awkward but I was okay and comfortable with that.
Post PTSD I had to relearn and develop a whole new social interaction blueprint, in this case I ended up being overly cautious, that strategy was adequate, but failed with defending me against the secondary wounding.
1 - overly cautious means I was projecting weakness, fear and lack of confidence. And to a predator type personality of a borderline or narcissist, they instantly sense weakness and instantly see me as easy prey..
2 - Being overly cautious means I’m projecting a subtle anxiety/fear energy, which borderline/narcissists also don’t like feeling
3 - Being overly cautious means that I would focus on conserving MY own ENERGY, and would disregard or not pay attention to all the constant needs for irrational attention by a borderline/narcissist. Essentially thumbing my nose to their incessant need for ‘narcissistic supply’ (look at me, attention).
So, I ended up breaking tons of vital rules that borderlines and codependents (programmed by borderline’s distortion fields) constantly promote and reinforce through peer pressure, subtle shaming, and outright vicious public shaming. This becomes the norm in a rescuer/enabler type support community or in a therapist/patient relationship.
It just creates an addiction to co-dependence. Which is essentially promoting, YOU CAN NOT and WILL NOT EXPRESS or FEEL your own feelings unfiltered. You might DIE if you trust your feelings and instincts, feeling suicide thoughts might create suicide!!! (cast shame, fear, and doubt, masked in rescuer language and surface feelings).
Solara’s shaming co-depedence enforcement/training method was to attack me for having Aspie feelings and thinking. Valentino, you are wrong, you are broken! let me help you! You trusted your feelings and instincts! That is BAD! You should not trust it, it is wrong, it is hurtful, it is damaging to others! Instead, don’t trust and express your feelings. CONSIDER other people’s feelings (neurotypicals)! Other people’s feelings are more important!!! (meant more as Borderline’s feelings are #1 important, I need narcissistic supply!!) Your feelings and instincts don’t matter! Drop that Aspie label, drop generalizations, simply DO NOT think for yourself, LET ME THINK FOR YOU, LISTEN TO my DISTORTION CAMPAIGN of REALITY!!! it might not be totally true, but it’s actually BETTER than reality!! why be honest? Living a lie is ultimately better! that’s the way to avoid toxic shame!!!
So essentially, the lesson I finally figured out and could be one of the last pieces of the ptsd recovery puzzle for me:
I have a right to have feelings and express them. I have a right to be selfish. I deserve to be here.
Therefore I can now trust my feelings more and doubt them less. I can now seek friends and social interactions to help objectively test & develop my sense of reality, instead of constantly getting my sense of reality distorted, devalued and attacked by borderline/narcissists. I don’t need to live in their manipulated mental isolation.
Yayy!!! I feel free!! Rebels are free! Yes it’s scary being all out there exposed in open territory, but it’s so exciting and free!! My feelings matter and they can now help me, and I don’t have to waste effort and energy limiting them with variations of shame!!
What do you do for self soothing?
I do deep conscious breathing. It’s almost natural and automatic too. I’m also mindful of my physical sensations, muscle tension, blood pumping through my veins, feeling on my skin, etc. That’s also easier for me as an over sensitive Aspie and a primary FEELER bias.
If need more, I have food, drink, zoning out with game, internet, music, tv, movie.
Or I can go more physical. I have lots of self-massage spikey balls of all shapes and sizes. I can go for a walk or a jog. I can take a hot shower, or epsom bath salt soak.. I can use tuning forks and singing bowls to focus my hearing on sacred vibrations.
I also meditate daily in full lotus posture for an hour a day. allowing my mind time to reflect, process and settle.
Also how much real estate are we going to give to Solara in our heads?
one last piece of real estate.. Solara’s aspie glasses vs PTSD glasses analogy is SOOOO telling about her way of thinking. She simply took off her PTSD glasses and got instant and magical healing!! that’s essentially just outright REJECTION of any and all responsibility for having PTSD, any and all symptoms, and any active healing or recovery. It is now all about faking the outward appearance and feelings of someone who does not have PTSD.
This strategy will drive her totally nutz!!! disowning the PTSD glasses, means she’s forever stuck in it!! It’s just like Hashi’s inner contradiction of openly rejecting and resenting the world and God and other people, but she also still wants the rest of the world to accommodate, honor her, and give her a sense of belonging.
Borderline and co-dependents rationalize a strategy of attacking the rules of life, and trying to change them! They’re going to always be utterly frustrated because God is not going to change his rules. But they can be successful in lobbying a small minority of people to believe their distorted rules for short periods of time.
Rejection only works temporarily and is very limited, and likely attracting rejection back. What you resist persists.
——- Thanks again for being a genuinely sympathetic ear!! that really helps the integration process! it’s so hard to do alone, especially when your sense of reality is constantly distorted.