March 5, 2022 Manipulative Mind Games! Implicit Signals, Inverted Communication & Schizoid case study 1h50m
3/19 Revenge Ideation as hidden BETRAYAL WOUNDS? Hypnosis & Policing Language 1h04m
3/24 Spotting the Moral Outrage masked Contempt trap & Counters 2h01m
4/7 Seeing POWER vs falling for PERSONAL ATTACKs, Counter tactics & Case Studies 1h34m
4/16 COUNTER WILL, Passive Aggression & Ambient Abuse 1h29m
4/30 Circular Arguments 201 - Shock, Sow Doubt & Escalating Contempt 1h27m
5/14 Indirect Relational Aggression = HIDDEN MANIPULATION | Decircling counters 1h51m
5/28 DE-CIRCLING out of Circular Diversion Arguments: Spotting Monologuing & other tactics 2h22m
6/16 Common SCRIPTS used by Cry BULLIES ‘Empaths’ 1h38m