11/28 Living without absolute certainty (Nihilism lite poison pill for Humility)
My attempt to play role of delusional fantasy addicted narcissist, and hopeless nihilist to ‘Scare people into more realistic optimism’, like Pierre XO & Richard Grannon refer to in this clip
Life isn’t about final answers or solutions, it’s more about strengths & skills (& curiosity, exploration, reality)
Some behind the scenes: part of my inspiration was from Grannon’s antidote to narcissistic traits by flipping symptoms into opposites. Video clips posted @ https://www.visceralgravitas.com/d/39-richard-grannon-clips-content-tracker/9
Some antidotes to narcissistic traits:
- Fantasy antidote is try to live in Reality
- Arrogance antidote is Humility
- Entitlement antidote is No One is coming to save you, You’re not owed anything
- Grandiosity antidote is being Boundaried & Self Awareness
- Neediness antidote is Responsibility, Values & Contribute to the world; Be your own source of validation
- Interpersonally exploitative antidote is to realize others exist & also important and valuable
Poison Pill approach was using exaggerated reflection and indirect comments to ‘interrupt the pattern’ and disrupt the standard super-ego, hero archetype, having the answers = I’m done type rigid mindset. My version of criticizing constant narrative and storytelling within a super-ego, excessively future focused controlling attitude.
no country for old men deconstructs several ideas that are narcissistic and dangerous
- all hope is effectively toxic; the narcissistic hope that everything will be okay, when in the real world it isn’t
- the idea, our notion of order, that we can passively wait and everything will just return to order