Onnaloves to learn about socializing
practice group immersion and dynamics of being able to recognise everyone
Yup… this might be what’s inherently missing with youtube and social media platforms.. this new dynamic is interaction with avatars and projections… building a wrong muscle of mental projections and recordings, but actual physical relationship is with all digital interfaces… naturally ungrounded and not in touch w/ reality…
So, the initial surge of attention from Grannon’s recommendation has died down after 2-2.5 days.

These stats need to catch up a more, as it’s total of 3066 views now, with 65 likes, and 1 dislike.. and 31 comments..
The watch time is probably more accurate for genuine viewers, so maybe 300 viewers who watched at least half, would be a generous estimate.
Then what impact or benefit did I get from this tiny slice of youtube time and attention?
Maybe a handful of extra visits to the forum, no new signups on meetup… and +28 extra subscribers, but subscribing is cheap…
So…. Youtube platform might not really offer much as far as a community platform…. just as a video hosting service.. it’s fucking amazing, it’s free and unlimited storage.. I’m also guessing there’s also no ads for the free hosting..
maybe it could be used as a medium to provide something for public service…. share expertise.. or niche or something… but it’d be hard not get caught up in the stats, or then the hunger of both the audience and algorithms… just wanting more and more content… or at least that seems to be the feel of the platform along with the group norms…
veering off into a bit too much free association mode…. but I think I was trying to get close to this weird relationship dynamic of online videos… it feels highly intimate, because you’re seeing and hearing another person that feels like he/she is talking directly to you… but it’s also highly empty and isolating… there’s is no actual relationship.. and there’s no physical person on the other side… it’s a recording…
It encourages both sides to project their own unconscious crap onto the virtual avatar, a stretch of one’s empathy and perspective taking…. and then the algorithms and whatever else that drives traffic to certain videos, that dictates the group norms and bridge between all the various virtual empathic predictive models for shared communication…
Grannon captured this in the 2nd disclaimer from this clip
i’m not speaking to anybody personally
i can’t do that, i’m not psychic, there are many people here.
So who am i speaking to?
i’m kind of speaking to a simulation of my assessment of a group of problems and a group of people
with a certain set of problems that show up again and again
and my simulation will be off at times because i am only human
and sometimes it just won’t apply to you, it can’t. All of it can’t apply to you to a nicety into a nuance.
if you hear me saying something that it seems to be to you because you’re looking at my face and
i’m talking to the screen
it’s not to you
it’s to a simulation that i’m running of a group of people
who knows how many people will come across this video and watch it in the end
This feels like it’s close to describing an inherent relationship flaw within youtube and social media. It encourages simulations of the other, and the feedback is distorted and flattened… so both sides can’t adjust and get into a good rhythm with each other.
Then because of that systemic issue, people end up being drawn to certain groups based on whatever random commonality factor, popular appeal, or shared struggle; that whatever that channel’s content draws in and keeps together..
The platform is what is it is… good for certain ways of interaction….
My question is whether the platform gets in the way of healing from codependence. It might by it’s inherent design nature, encourage shared fantasy and building another fawn self (virtual avatar).. Then it rewards people with simulated intimacy from an infinite distance with virtual blocking tools.
This environment is too distant and safe, and strengthens false self… how can there be any healing or growth from codependence with this??? It’s encouraging cowardice, self deception, other deception, fantasy, hiding, thin skinnedness, and also hardened shell closed heartedness..
and this is just a more neutral analysis of the system design and current layout… that’s not considering the current group norms of themes, common interactions, nature of comments interactions…. from PierreXO’s recent rants, I’m suspecting that things have gotten much more toxic and paranoid over the past few years…
Anyway…. back to focus on healing and growing out of codependency… and I’m still leaning on the solution being in the area of death to false self.. the codependent self needs to die, or be torn apart…. rock bottom, pain and trauma is the way to ego death, and portal to rebirth… renewal, soul emergence…
But few will want to go this path.. society is offering too many distractions and reinforcement to stay codependent…