Something different than just more articles on Trump’s typical narcissistic behavior patterns..
This goes into a little bit of a tactical analysis of Eugene Goodman’s maneuver warfare strategies when it looks like he’s outnumbered by the mob…
(BUT…. there’s someone who’s using cell phone to video this, and in later footage when there’s police backup, you see photographer’s behind the cops)
So a lot of this is playing to the camera.. protest theater?? Which actually probably gives an edge to the protesters, as they want to go viral and support their cause. While the police are worried about doing something that can be misperceived on camera, so they probably might second guess themselves more.

Highlights from reading this morning…
3 tactical moves
- Leading rioters away (guiding the opponents attention, and moving when in a weak position)
- coordinating for backup (planning ahead)
- exercising extreme restraint (disarm, neutralize, stall when outnumbered)
This isn’t really a giant heroic effort… it’s positioning, understanding your environment, and moving in space to out maneuver your opponent… same dynamics work in boxing with footwork, angles and jabbing…
Granted it might be a skill that most police aren’t that skilled at, because they’re used to overwhelming force and lots of backup. But military warfare should train for out numbered situations, or surprise attacks, etc.
This is one of the better more neutral videos.. I tried to find one that was just the video without any commentary, then looked at some news station’s versions.. and WOW… talk about adding a storyline on top of things.. black police officer, all by himself, with mob of angry white supremacists’ with all sorts of flags and symbols of hate.. Look how heroic he is.. he must have been so scared… wtf… that is fucking dramatized propaganda by national news tv stations…