Deef I would argue this FijiDove has shown a pattern of excessive boundaries, that’s created giant blindspots of perspective taking and general reading comprehension
The 2 comments by FijiDove in the excessive boundaries question have been deleted. I’m guessing by him/her.
While this new comment offers some insight into his/her internal process, and easily triggered internal implosion.
break down analysis
Regarding this past Friday’s video on filtering etc::
WTF?? Why respond in the wrong place and pollute a pretty good question??
Or maybe it’s the perfect place, as this is a prime example of codependent power-blindness… or is this a very borderline like, associative thinking, emotional reasoning and word salady too???
Love this instant reframe… makes straw man and red herring so easy.. change the topic or theme into some self-driven agenda, or personal projection.. or a way to put words into the other’s mouth…
bravo! Cathy Newman used this opener like crazy on Jordan Peterson.
we can eliminate or reduce our blind spots through consciousness raising and that journaling will externalize our so to speak God given instincts that have the information of
when a person is being disrespectful and acting in bad faith?
damn.. this is way excess use of words…. is it BPD like trying to emotionally diffuse and fragment any clarity??
But this seems to start with premise:
Can journaling is a way to tap into one’s instincts to better learn one’s blind spots?
(and for this person in particular around disrespectful people? or is this a BPD type that wants free reign to emotionally event and monologue?)
Is it as simple as
that we are deeply conditioned to be spun by other people’s words and implode on ourselves?
Is it that simply writing ✍️ for example,
that it is not okay for someone to talk to me in ways that make me feel bad about myself
Openers of Simple & Simply, is a warning that what’s coming is FAR from SIMPLE! Mind fuck, and self gaslighting to come?? This is how easy it is for her to implode from her internal shame spiral despair bomb!!
(gonna call this person her, what guy is gonna call himself dove?)
External locus of control, fixated at any threat of someone else controlling and influencing her negative emotions.. (3rd degree emotional skin)
(journaling) will externalize the unconscious, and reduce the blind spots, so more muscle will be there
the next time a person speaks to you in that manner? That the next time it occurs …
you can journal about it and then develop your skills
Doesn’t add much here, excess words to try to convince herself? Or is this from serious lack of empathy and lack of mentalization.. no natural internal reflection circuits going on here??
by taking the risk to simply tell the person,
no you can’t come into my space and talk to me that way
even if you don’t know ALL of the words to say??
Oh!!! a 3rd simple pointer!! But it’s not so fucking simple, people can also simply ignore what she says and just trample over her feelings even worse with this weak brainwashed boundary setting facade..
And in addition remind yourself that : as no one is coming to save me …
they don’t get to tell me who I am??
WTF does this injunction mean or do?? Is a BPD’s inner weakness, that they’ll internalize any and every outside comment, and take on that identity????
This could be golden, this is a GIANT weakspot for BPDs… just make fun of who they are strongly, repeat and stone wall… or I think I accidentally do this, because I make shame myself regularly and repeat… and BPD’s also internalize this??
This is also a clue that she doesn’t know who she is, unstable sense of self… constantly shifting… a statue without a shelf, it keeps falling apart…
Blended together all of the above (instead of getting engulfed by them??)
- will make you stronger and
- keep you away from predators and
- learn to move away from them
BPD issue.. enmeshment… no boundaries… getting engulfed by emotions and others… self-gaslighting, brainwashing and memorizing slogans as boundaries is not going to develop much self regulation skills for BPD blindness…
Ohhhh! Just did a repetitive affirmation - self hypnosis — for one minute —
She even knows and admits it’s brainwashing!! but apparently doesn’t see the downside of limits of this approach?
so we have false belief systems!
We mistakenly believe that another has the right to own us and
tell us who we are!
Plural pronouns… more evidence of no boundaries, along with inability to see, recognize and own her self as a separate individual..
Also repeats sticking point of loose identity, will easily believe what other’s tell her who she is….
(Oh!! this might be why some people feed off and enjoy empty validation!??? They’re that naive or open, that they’ll just believe anything?? dude??!)
…. ok.. I’m skipping the final part… doesn’t really add much.. and it’s sorta like self cheerleading… omg…. puke… type stuff here… sheesh…
and here’s another post that’s now deleted… showing her agenda.. or a position that she’s willing to ‘stand or die’ over…
i see ‘abandonment terror’ in here, along with lots of judgment and injunctions, terror of other perspectives…. all very BPD like..
So @Fryek what the heck is Grannon supposed to do with followers like this??
ANYTHING he says…. strong claim.. or weak claim… absolute or nuanced… it’s gonna get twisted and distorted by this person’s ears… she’s masquerading in support groups to address her abandonment terror… and she’s likely desperate with genuine terror or negative emotions.. but there’s brain damage level mechanisms that keep her disconnected from reality, along with emotionally vomiting, flooding and imposing her shadow content onto support communities, social media influencers, or professional therapists…
#mentalhealth has enabled BPD types to become even more delusional and disconnected from reality…. blame the gurus, or stigmatize and blame the cray cray people?? or better yet.. blame their parents, blame genetics, blame society, blame God..