Fryek we LOVE celebrities, heroes, leaders, scapegoats…
I’d argue that western society worships celebrities and popular people in the absence of organized religion….. celebrities are now our religious dieties, to both project our idealized god projections, but also as scapegoats to dump our negative shadows…
The thing is though, the celebrities also have a lose situation too!! As their humanity isn’t been seen by the public, and they slowly can’t trust anyone because everyone is after their fame or access….
Worse with youtube celebrities, cuz they’re underpaid or have to keep hustling… once they get popular it’s not like they can start charging more for advertising or get higher residuals… probably technically possible, but it’s a bit more complicated than movie stars, sports athletes, musicians, etc..
I’m guessing that social media exaggerates the ability to project both ways… audience onto whatever guru… but also for the guru to read too much into fans, and way easily read too much into criticism….
Comments have slowed a bit for Grannon Live pt2 video… but this came in, weirdly specific about 37 minutes of torture for Katy….. poor girl… she missed the intentional escalation challenge/sparring time, when I specifically tried to shit on Grannon’s core themes… I wonder she would take that??
More shocking is Shannon giving props to Allie… wow… people do just want to hear tone that sounds peaceful and comforting….
My contrarian nature wants to do more of what people are upset about… background music… interrupting people.. never ever let a person finish… become a cut-off master…. leave people always wanting more…
But that’s still pretty mild….. I could start SJW culture war bullshit like Claudia B played out… giving people mind fucks and double binds… pull out some Cathy Newman tactics… ’so you’re saying’ distorted unfair reframes…. tsk tsk…
So… our group exposed that Grannon is a human being??? that’s why I like him, he’s genuine….
But he’s given way more embarrassing interviews in the past…
Like this one where he got totally talked over, run over, dismissed, ignored… by Stefan Molyneux… possibly Narcissistic or just one track pitch salesman… been a while since I’ve seen it… but this is an example of Grannon’s codependence and weak verbal sparring skills.